Friday, January 28, 2011


a few weeks ago, we were lucky enough to spend the day frolicking around with one of our best friends. she took tons of lovely photos of us that we get to keep for a long, long time.

it was a bit exhausting, but we were so grateful to be able to work with her.

someday soon, i'll share our engagement story.
until then, here's a few shots!

Monday, January 24, 2011

an itch.

happy monday! i hope your weekend was full of belly laughs, warm blankets and a couple people you love.

today at work, one of my coworkers was saying that they wanted to have a "funny wedding themed party" to celebrate my engagement because he wanted to wear a cheap suit. then, a supervisor turned around and said "no, no we can't do that. not cheap. not for kelci."

i know it sounds silly, but it was the sweetest thing. sometimes a little compliment like that speaks volumes.

in other news, i'm getting that itch.
in every sense of the word, i'm a cold weather kind of girl.
but last night, as i was looking through my photos from the last year,
(i love looking back over my iphone photos--kind of like a daily journal)
i started yearning for those days where it's a little chilly, but just warm enough to keep your windows open,
hanging out in green grass with your friends,
and soaking up the last of the day's light,
and switching over to cold drinks at starbucks.
there's something about the spring that's entirely intoxicating, don't you think?

some pictures from last year:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

the shalom series

i don't believe in new years resolutions.
i'm not going to say i've never made one, or tried to keep one,
but i just don't believe that they work.

what i do believe in, however, is introspection. and age giving way to insight.
so for this year, and every year afterwards, my goal is shalom.

shalom: peace.
"it is well, it is well, with my soul."

have you ever noticed that you rediscover yourself in small ways when you are alone? sometimes alone time is so rare that it's easy to forget the impossible to express feelings and deep set details that lay within you. this world can be so overwhelming, relationships and getting by can be so all-consuming, that sometimes i absolutely forget to stop and think.

when i drove back to school for the last time on sunday, i was amazed by how everything flowed into me.
i love everything i have, but sometimes it is so nourishing to reflect on it alone.

my words and my thoughts are my soul. i hope i never forget that.

my goal is to focus on the things that nourish my soul, and in turn, give light to those around me.


today i signed a piece of paper
and sent it in the mail which means
i get to marry my favorite person on october 22, 2011.

cue girly moments and happy tears!