Monday, December 6, 2010

now i get to twiddle my thumbs...right?

(christmas presents, wrapped)

i'm happy to say that i've almost completely knocked out my christmas shopping this year. matt and i finally wised up and decided to buy presents together, which is so much more fun and sensible!

we set out to find a few little things, and finished the day with tons of check marks on our list! it was so fun. christmas shopping can be really stressful, but sometimes it feels good to go into those things together. it's like "okay, this will most likely be too crowded, too long and too expensive, but we're going to support each other and have fun."

which, if i think about it, is what a life together is all about. choosing to be sweet, supportive and enjoy things in the middle of madness.

i think i might try to get all my shopping done early from now on.

hope your monday has been productive and lovely!

p.s. the only problem i've found with this idea is that, now that it's been a couple weeks and the presents are tucked away for christmas day, i'm wanting to go out and buy more and more for my loved ones! my checking account begs me to chill out. we'll see :)


Unknown said...

Man your good. I have one gift bought so far. Wishin it was all done to be honest.

K. Marie said...

I hate being stressed out over it, too! It's kind of fun to get it all knocked out in a day, if you have the time. Good luck! :)

Bree said...

Good for you for being done! I've not even started yet..I've looked and looked and looked and nothing is catching my eye for my boyfriend or parents. Better get moving...